Healthcare Success

Author: Stewart Gandolf
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successful doctor smiling in patient room

As you might suspect, my work frequently brings me face-to-face with doctors and other healthcare professionals who want to market a medical practice. One thing I’ve observed is that, regardless of gender, successful physicians, surgeons and top-line staff invariably dress for success. Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to visit with practitioners in hospitals, group […]

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Editor Note: [Conclusion of a two-part article] Stewart Gandolf, CEO of Healthcare Success, authored this article for print and online publication by Strategic Health Care Marketing. It is presented here with permission. Part One-- New Marketing: Improving Service Line Profitability -- is available here. [Part Two] In the constantly changing world of healthcare marketing, success—and […]

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marketing data page on iPad device

About the only thing that’s certain in healthcare delivery is that constant change will continue. And that, unfortunately, makes everyone’s marketing assumptions suspect. Keeping pace with a shifting landscape makes it more challenging to  market a medical practice. Here are a few important-but-independent observations, factoids and tips that crossed our radar. Consider how each item—maybe all of […]

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Photo of Dr Paul Rosen

Dr. Paul Rosen thinks a lot about empathy in healthcare delivery. In his insightful and inspiring TEDx presentation, Dr. Rosen observed: “In 1915, Henry Ford took a tour of the brand new Henry Ford Hospital. When he finished his tour, he turned to the hospital administrator and said, ‘Well, I see you’ve designed the hospital […]

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Editor Note: [First of a two-part article] Stewart Gandolf, CEO of Healthcare Success, authored this article for print and online publication by Strategic Health Care Marketing. It is presented here with permission. Clinical service department profitability is a constant challenge for hospitals. What’s changed, however, is just about everything else. Boosting service line profitability requires […]

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There’s nothing more satisfying in medical practice marketing than a program that produces measurable results. Attracting new patients or cases is usually the intent of external marketing, but the true, quantifiable pay-back is where Return-on-Investment (ROI) is calculated in “dollars in” divided by “dollars out.” This elementary concept is frequently overlooked or neglected. It’s frustrating […]

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Most hospitals and medical practices recognize that email plays an important role in nearly every marketing plan. For some, it’s a “heavy lifter” tactic that is used in support of many goals. In other situations, email supports larger strategies. We know from experience that—done correctly—email is a powerful marketing and advertising tool. Unfortunately, some plans […]

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football on field

As a business owner who completed his undergraduate work at OSU—the Ohio State CFP Championship win was an inspiration to me. College football can be exciting, but Ohio State’s underdog victory over the Oregon Ducks (42-20) illustrated some important principles about success for doctors and business owners. Even if you’re a fan of Oregon, Wisconsin, […]

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man chasing carrot on stick

At an altitude of 30,000 feet, the healthcare reform objectives that link financial incentives to performance shine brightly. There are no protesting voices calling for poor outcomes, more medical errors or higher costs. Taking a playbook page from the corporate world, financial incentives and penalties are intended to drive performance improvements in healthcare delivery. But […]

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Social media in general—and Facebook in particular—can be a double-edged sword. If you don’t have your finger on the pulse of any given platform or media, what’s really hot today can turn cold overnight—and vice versa. Here’s a quick update about recent Facebook changes that can sharpen your healthcare marketing plan and make wiser use […]

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internet presence text on smart device

I recently bumped into a specialty practice that did not have a website. The Internet has become such a significant “front door” for healthcare providers and hospitals that having no online presence—nada, zip—was surprising. For this specialty practice, attracting new, self-referred patients was not a priority. “We’re already busy,” they told us. “Our appointments are […]

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Service Fanatics flyer

Editor’s Note: In our continuing series of leadership interviews, Stewart Gandolf, CEO of Healthcare Success talks with Dr. James Merlino who recently assumed a position with Press Ganey as president and chief medical officer of the strategic consulting division. At the time of this interview Dr. Merlino was the Chief Experience Officer and Associate Chief […]

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Kylie Ladd, Healthcare Success Social Media Coordinator Social media tools—Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and many others—are constantly evolving and have become important components in healthcare marketing plans. It seems that social media is everywhere in today’s culture and shows zero signs of slowing down. Not surprisingly, 41 percent of people surveyed say that social media would […]

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Competition in hospital and healthcare marketing—already a nightmare in many market areas—has a new player. And you probably didn’t see this one coming. Previously, we alerted readers to how big box retailers, CVS, Walgreens, and other health-related brands are repositioning themselves to carve out a larger and more active role in health care delivery. Now—seemingly […]

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23 door number

Much has changed in the couple of decades since Al Ries and Jack Trout—both highly respected marketing strategists—published The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing. At the time, most hospitals didn’t have “branding” in their vocabulary, less than 10,000 websites existed on the still-emerging Internet, medical practices didn’t have a “marketing person,” and social media had […]

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Virtually all US hospitals now have a social media presence, with widespread adoption having increased significantly in the past few years. But a recent study suggests that hospitals are continuing to search how best to realize a meaningful purpose and payoff from social media (SM). “This dramatic increase in social media use may show the […]

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A while back, before traces of autumn appeared in the forecast, most marketing pros at hospitals and group medical practices were tying a bow around their marketing strategy for the still-distant New Year. Healthcare providers have Internet Marketing near the top of the list. The Internet has become your new front door, and it commands […]

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doctor talking to patient

Mastery of effective communications skills in a busy medical practice is not limited to doctor-patient interaction. After all, only a fraction of the patient’s time in a typical office visit is with the provider. And the majority of their time is with…everyone else. Verbal communications skills are particularly vital to every face-to-face encounter. Virtually everyone in […]

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Perhaps the most powerful tool in your hospital marketing plan is video. The creative and production costs are often low, and there are usually several options for placement where viewer interest is high. Moreover, video is a flexible and multitalented communications tool. Above and beyond the task of attracting new patients, video has the versatility of […]

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Almost by definition, doctors are leaders. And successful doctors are also thought leaders. We are fortunate in our work with hospitals and medical practices to know many leaders, thought leaders and influential thought leaders among the ranks of professionals. More than a few in this group are good clients. And, I’m pleased to say, many […]

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 We see this all the time and it drives us nuts. Hospital executives and doctors—people who are experts in their own profession—don’t have a good test for qualifying outside marketing help. And without a guide, would-be “marketers,” with limited real-world experience and knowledge, are hired for the wrong reasons. This is the first in a series […]

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Clear trends in physician reviews and consumer purchase decision patterns have emerged for healthcare marketing professionals. A physician’s online presence may soon become a necessity to attract and retain patients, according to practice management research group Software Advice's 2014 survey of over 4,600 US healthcare consumers. But, compared to the previous year’s survey, the trend […]

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best choice evaluation button

Computers rely on software. But healthcare marketing is about the user (human) experience, and an accurate assessment shouldn't rely on software alone. Here’s how to avoid a common pothole, and how to leverage your best available tools. Software helps manage the complexity of healthcare marketing. The multi-faceted mission for hospitals, group practices and other provider organizations would […]

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figure making marketing video

The Internet is video-rich. By some estimates, half of all the traffic online is in video format. And, healthcare marketing is increasingly embracing video as a means to effectively and efficiently tell its story. At nearly every point along the medical delivery continuum, hospitals, service lines and doctors’ offices can take advantage of the proliferation […]

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Millennials Generation Y letter

Recent surveys have refined the profile of “Generation Y” and some of the things that healthcare marketing professionals should recognize about reaching the sometimes-elusive, and loosely defined, Millennial Generation include: “Gen-Y” is a large and desirable demographic slice that holds an important position in nearly every savvy marketing plan; Physical health and happiness is important, […]

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social media pill

Most doctors recognize that healthcare’s “starting line” moved some time ago. The typical care continuum now begins online, long before the first medical office appointment or doctor-patient face-to-face encounter. Among the chief propellants of this digital shift are the: Mainstream proliferation of rapid Internet access; Wide adoption of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets; […]

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top 100 hospitals 2014 badge

A basic element of healthcare delivery--one that has not changed in recent reforms and re-invention--is that medical care is truly a personal process. Yes, telemedicine has closed issues of distance. And, yes, technology advances have accelerated the speed of diagnosis and care delivery. But in the highly competitive industry, hospitals have not lost sight of the importance of […]

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Hospital Attract Patients booklet title cover

Sometimes healthcare marketing seems like juggling chainsaws and watermelons. In the grand scheme of things, hospital executives, administrators and marketing professionals frenetically toss around competing priorities, political pressures and shifting goals—and at the same time, assure that nothing crashes to the ground. Ultimately, the challenge for people responsible for the performance of hospital-owned ambulatory services and […]

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text on notepad reading "share your story"

The simple fact is that the art of storytelling is a powerful tool in healthcare marketing. In broadcast or print advertising for example, a good-health storyline is often the message fabric that engages and attracts new patients. Storytelling is common and easy to spot in external communications, but sadly, it’s underutilized (or forgotten) inside the […]

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CHRISTUS Health logo

Healthcare Success’ Kylie Ladd talked with Preston Gee, Vice President, Strategic Marketing at CHRISTUS Health. They spoke about Preston’s 2014 SHSMD (Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development) presentation titled: Surf ’s Up: Catching the Consumer-Empowered Tidal Wave Produced by Exchanges [SHSMD14 Speaker Series] Hospital and healthcare marketing and strategy functions will be pivotal to […]

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"Warning: affordable healthcare" sign

The fast-approaching New Year is shaping up to be even more challenging for many doctors and patients as well. In a market already strapped by a growing doctor shortage, a new report by the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) forecasts nearly 25 percent of doctors may turn their back on Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans […]

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blue and red figures under microscope

Audience demographics can be a bewildering blizzard of data even for numbers-oriented healthcare marketing professionals. Thankfully there are several geo-demographic data shuffling companies that decode the raw data and transform it into understandable (and useful) market descriptions. One such outfit—Esri, based in New York—has distilled a ton of data into an easy to understand description […]

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text on computer reading 'What are they saying about you?"

Healthcare’s new breed of informed consumer—today’s prospective patient—is making important decisions about choosing a provider long before your office phone rings for an appointment. Physicians and marketing professionals understand that the early competitive battleground for attracting new patients has gone digital, where online reputation is more important to consumers than your 12-page Curriculum Vitae. Internet […]

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For nearly 10 years or so, hospitals have been struggling with how to effectively and profitably reinvent themselves. The direction is to become increasingly consumer-direct. Among the transformational market forces are the informed and empowered public, increasing competitive pressures, and the desire for hospitals to serve women and other demographic groups. Sprinkle into this recipe the overarching goals […]

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[SHSMD14 Podcast Series] Healthcare Success’ Kylie Ladd chats with Elizabeth Joint, the new marketing manager at Ochsner Health System (Louisiana). They spoke during the 2014 SHSMD Connections event in San Diego. Ochsner Health System, southeast Louisiana's largest non-profit, academic, multi-specialty, healthcare delivery system, is also one of the nation’s “most wired” organizations. A unique “O […]

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coyote marketing symbol

Throughout the year I have the opportunity to speak with groups of doctors about marketing. I thoroughly enjoy the intellectual exchange with smart people, particularly when the topic is advancing the business side of their practice. Putting aside the poster presentations and beyond sharing clinical info that dominates professional meetings, doctors—usually successful practitioners—are eager to […]

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hands reaching out laptop with first aid kit

Today, nearly anyone with online access can see a doctor or healthcare professional immediately. No appointment, no travel, no waiting, no hassle. A computer, smartphone or tablet increasingly connects patients and providers via live, two-way video consultation—24/7/365. What’s more, the typical insurance co-pay is relatively low, and for some people, employers cover the cost. This […]

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Healthcare marketing professionals know what the retail-world textbook says about customers. Substitute “patient” for “customer” or “consumer” to realize how healthcare’s new swing from provider-centric to patient-centric is much more significant than a smile and warm welcome. Your relationship with healthcare’s new empowered consumer is vital element in revenue and profitability. Acquiring a new customer […]

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[SHSMD14 Speaker Podcast Series] Tracy Borkowski, Director of Business Unit Marketing for Memorial Hermann Health System talks with Healthcare Success’ Kylie Ladd regarding the 2014 SHSMD Connections presentation: Attracting the Digital Healthcare Consumer: Innovations in Real-Time Online Appointment Scheduling. "There's a big appetite by consumers for online scheduling," Tracy Borkowski said, and Memorial Hermann Health System […]

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[SHSMD14 Speaker Podcast Series] Mayo Clinic’s Katheryn Hawkins, Senior Analyst, and Erin Cole, Business Development Manager, talk with Healthcare Success’ Kylie Ladd regarding their presentation at the 2014 SHSMD Connections meeting. Their topic: New Methods to Identify the Right Relationship and Monitor Performance. The classic question in healthcare marketing is how to measure success. The […]

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doctor holding up calculator

Let’s say an informed patient determined that the cost for “arteriography and angiocardiography using contrast material” was half as expensive at “Hospital A” as compared to “Hospital B.” At half price, would they want to buy two procedures? On the other hand, does the consumer trust that "cheapest available" is the ideal purchase decision in health care? More realistically, would […]

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doctor holding chat box

Occasionally, I get a little push-back from doctors who challenge my advice saying: “I don’t need an ‘elevator speech.’ Everyone knows who I am, I’m not pitching investors, and I’m not ‘networking.’ Besides, it sounds phony and I’d never use it.” That's not from everyone, of course. Many professionals know about the "quick message" technique, […]

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Photo of Stewart Schaffer

[SHSMD14 Speaker Podcast Series] Stewart Schaffer, Chief Marketing Officer for BayCare Health System in the Tampa, FL area talks with Lonnie Hirsch, Co-Founder of Healthcare Success about Stewart’s presentation at the 2014 SHSMD Connections meeting this month titled: Designing a Consumer-Driven Brand Experience that Brings the Brand Promise to Life. In hospital and healthcare marketing, what […]

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Physicians Foundation Infographic

List this study as Required Reading for healthcare marketing professionals. The 2014 Survey of America’s Physicians: Practice Patterns and Perspectives is not only one of the largest physician surveys, it lives up to its self-description as “an unrivaled resource of information on today’s doctors for hospital and medical group executives, physician recruiting professionals, members of […]

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"get flu shot" written on post it

Perhaps the idea of promoting “flu shots” isn’t particularly “glamorous” in healthcare marketing. Some doctor’s offices, healthcare providers (and marketing professionals) consider vaccinations and immunizations as ordinary and routine as remembering to turning off the lights at night. Nobody gives it much thought. Preventative care and patient wellbeing are at the top of the list, […]

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Photo of Marcy Marshall

[SHSMD14 Speaker Podcast Series] Lonnie Hirsch, Co-Founder of Healthcare Success talks with Marcy Marshall, Director of Employee Communications, Geisinger Health, about her upcoming presentation at the 2014 SHSMD Connections meeting titled: We Gave Our Employees a Voice: The Transformation of Employee Communications. What do you do about internal communications when health system employees—thousands of them—feel their voice […]

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Until recently, the concept of “brand” or “brand building” has not been too important for physician practices, medical groups or hospitals. Only a few healthcare entities took branding seriously in their marketing plans…and fewer still were able to carry it off effectively. Almost overnight, or so it seems, all that changed. To listen to some people in […]

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Photo of Jessica Lopez

[SHSMD14 Speaker Podcast Series] Stewart Gandolf, CEO of Healthcare Success talks with Sharp HealthCare Multicultural Community Relations Specialist Jessica Lopez, and John Cihomsky, Vice President, PR & Communications. Jessica and John will be speaking at the 2014 SHSMD Connections Conference on the topic: Building Credibility With the Hispanic Community. The concept of “Show Me. Don’t Tell […]

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[SHSMD14 Speaker Podcast Series] Lonnie Hirsch, Co-Founder of Healthcare Success talks with Tom Jensen, Director of Marketing for Mercy Health System about Mr. Jensen’s upcoming presentation at the 2014 SHSMD Connections Conference on the topic: Enabling Tools and Technologies: The Rise of Google Plus. Google Plus is standing toe-to-to with Facebook, but—as Tom Jensen and Lonnie […]

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Nordstrom store

For the sake of a convenient label, let’s call it the Nordstrom Syndrome. Doctors of various professional disciplines come to me, with some regularity, exhibiting symptoms of this (marketing) condition, and they want my business advice. It’s the first of two valuable marketing lessons that doctors can learn from retail stalwart Nordstrom. Lesson One… Physicians […]

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