Healthcare Success

Author: Stewart Gandolf
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Photo of Julie Moretz

[2014 Cleveland Clinic Patient Experience Podcasts] In our continuing series of leadership discussions, our guests today are Julie Moretz, Associate Vice Chancellor, Patient- and Family-Centered Care, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences; and Kathy Vermoch, Patient Experience Leader and Project Manager, UHC (formerly University HealthSystem Consortium). This upcoming Summit presentation is titled, Successfully Partnering with Patients and […]

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Photo of Linda Golding

[2014 Cleveland Clinic Patient Experience Speaker Series] In today’s interview, we spoke with Chaplain Linda S. Golding of New York-Presbyterian Hospital as a preview of her upcoming presentation at the 5th Annual Patient Experience Summit in May. Her talk is titled, Reducing Compassion Fatigue and Building Cultural Competence Using Texts. Following a 30-year career in […]

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Cleveland Clinic advertisement

  If, as the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” what’s the marketing “worth” of four pictures? Twitter has introduced another new tool that can multiply the impact of your communications. The social media giant unveiled its "photo collage feature that delivers even more message-mileage. Now you can share up to four […]

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youtube logo

[First of two parts.]  Imagine that you just won a shiny new car. The ride of your dreams now sets in your driveway; all gassed-up and ready to roll. It’s free—tax, license and fees all paid—and all set to head off to anywhere and everywhere. The video sharing platform, YouTube, is like free transportation (at […]

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Photo of Pam Greenhouse

[2014 Cleveland Clinic Patient Experience Speaker Series] In our continuing series of leadership discussions, Pamela Greenhouse, Executive Director, PFCC Innovation Center of UPMC, previews her Empathy + Innovation Summit presentation. The title of her talk: Patient and Family Centered Care Methodology: Improving Experiences and Outcomes While Reducing Costs. The “trifecta in care delivery” is the […]

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caution bridge ends sign

A crisis communications plan is a bit like the safety air bags in your car. You always want to have them, but you hope they’ll never be needed. It’s always bad news. Preparedness is the key to handling "bad news" in hospital and healthcare communications. It’s simply good “PR insurance” to have contingency protocols at […]

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Photo of Dr Wayne Guerra

[2014 Cleveland Clinic Patient Experience Speaker Podcast] In our continuing series of leadership interviews, Stewart Gandolf, CEO of Healthcare Success talks with Wayne Guerra, MD, Co-founder of iTriage, a popular mobile healthcare app. Dr. Guerra will be participating in a panel session titled, Game Changers in Mobile Apps at the 5th Annual Patient Experience: Empathy […]

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"failed" stamp

The historic picture is nothing like today. For decades, competition within the nation’s healthcare delivery system was low-key, even passive. And the vital professional referral stream that traditionally brought new patients to hospitals and specialty practices required little marketing attention…if anyone thought much about it at all. But the dynamics of healthcare reform and other forces […]

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doctor speaking to a senior patient

[2014 Cleveland Clinic Patient Experience Speaker Podcast] In our continuing series of leadership interviews, Lonnie Hirsch of Healthcare Success talks with Gus Taylor, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) at Florida Medical Clinic about his forthcoming presentation at the 5th Annual Patient Experience: Empathy Plus Innovation Summit hosted in Cleveland, Ohio by Cleveland Clinic from May 18-21. “In […]

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Video camera pictured on film reel

Surprisingly few US hospitals have a YouTube Channel in their marketing lineup. Still fewer have the right content. Jumping on this opportunity is an open field competitive advantage. Here’s why and how. We’re one of those medical marketing companies that loves numbers. Good or bad, numbers can gauge progress, measure Return-on-Investment, and reveal opportunity. For […]

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Photo of Maureen Fagan

[2014 Cleveland Clinic Patient Experience Speaker Series] In our continuing series of leadership interviews, Maureen Fagan, Executive Director of the Center for Patients and Families at Brigham and Women's Hospital previews her Empathy + Innovation Summit presentation. Her talk at the Patient Experience Summit is titled, Patient and Family Centered Care in Medical Grand Rounds: […]

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red figure breaking red rope for race

This is a story about competing hospital systems where the legal wrangling spilled into contentious advertising. The controversial television and newspaper debate became so heated that the governor intervened. (Without much success, however.) There are a number of PR hotspots in several states were hospitals, health systems, insurance providers and even politicians are tangled in […]

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street signs

Your periodic SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) is an excellent self-evaluation tool that every medical practice can use to maintain a steady strategic course. A classic, but easily cured, problem with SWOT is that it’s not used often enough. For a group practice, hospital or health system, we recommend looking at these significant issues […]

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hand holding up 5 star plaque

Maintaining the flow of doctor referrals is vital—if not life-and-death critical—in many professions. What’s more, healthcare reform and intense competition has made the whole business of professional referrals more challenging than ever to sustain. In our experience, working with hundreds of referral-dependent practitioners, we've identified a nearly a dozen “secrets;” proven techniques that give stability […]

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red dice reading "lose" on all sides

Let’s hope you never back into a buzz saw of “unintended consequences.” That’s when seemingly ordinary events inexplicably spin over to the dark side. It doesn’t happen often, but here’s a roundup of three recent and unrelated news reports that went from sweet to sour. What’s your reaction to these items, and what would you do if […]

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file book reading "Marketing"

Physicians are extremely well trained in their profession, with years of education and more years in practice. And at some point in their career, it becomes apparent that medicine is a profession, but healthcare is a business. Often, the doctor is the business…the product…the service provider. He or she is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer), […]

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3 sides of dice spelling out WIN

These days, marketing performance expectations are sometimes found under the “squeeze every nickel” heading. Maybe giant corporations once had fat and slushy budgets, although we doubt the successful ones used that approach.  Then as now, a common denominator among most medical practices, hospitals and healthcare providers is an ongoing concern for “scarce resources.” Like every […]

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red figure breaking red rope for race

[Continuing series installment.] A unproductive (or outright lazy) employee wouldn’t last long in a well-managed medical practice. And, considering the investment that most doctors have sunk in their website, it’s frustrating to discover a doctor’s website that is “present,” but clearly “under-performing.” Some weak sites are outdated or seriously ill, and those guys are prime […]

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red figure standing on white spheres

[Healthcare Content Marketing Series] Anyone who grew up in a small town will tell you that it seemed like everyone knew everyone. Often, they conducted their everyday business with folks they knew…and merchants who knew them. Individuals engaged in conversation, got acquainted, and people did business with the people they knew and liked. We were […]

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colorful figures standing on red target

Your communications professional life was busy enough when, only a few digital moments ago, your internet marketing mainstay was a good website. And your hardware was a clunky desktop PC. The boss (and the budget) was happy with that, but the simplicity of that early state is long past. And one of the new challenges […]

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Healthcare Success booklet title cover

[Series Installment] Among our list of 19 critical medical advertising mistakes that healthcare organizations make every day is: Trying to build your image rather than building a patient base. We’ve labeled it as Number Six, but by any name it is a misguided budget-burner. Here’s how to recognize that you may be headed for this […]

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empty public speaking venue

 [Second of a two-part article for healthcare leaders about mastering presentation skills. See also, Part One 10 Trade Secrets: How Exceptional Public Speakers Make It Look Easy] Public speaking is something that everyone does, most people dread, and some speakers are world-class champs. The occasion can be as a keynote speaker for a major medical […]

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3D number 1

Some fundamental business ideas deserve repeating: Successful marketing—and practice growth—begins with taking care of existing customers/patients first. Growth-minded healthcare organizations often assume that business development is exclusively a matter of bringing new people through the door. Previous or existing patients—customers who have already crossed your threshold—are taken for granted, mentally considered “a done deal,” or […]

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empty venue

[First of a two-part article for healthcare leaders about mastering presentation skills.] Presentations. Speeches. Talks. Everyone does them. Most people dread giving them. But only a few presenters know the magic behind delivering an exceptional, memorable and impactful public presentation. From a Kiwanis Club luncheon to a staff lecture…from a major medical society presentation to […]

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LED sign reading "act now"

[Continuing Series] More secrets, tips and idea-starters to help create engagement, inspire action and encourage social sharing with your hospital and healthcare audience. Online content in marketing produces its strongest impact when your intended audience sees it AND when it causes response. Publishing is the starting line, and information and awareness are desirable process steps. […]

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red figure

Somewhere in the recesses of their brains there’s a point of professional pride among doctors that tells them: “Being a good physician and providing excellent clinical care will carry the day for success in business.” Caring for the health concerns of people will please and benefit patients. And that satisfaction will bond them to the practice. […]

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"failed" stamp

The broad category of healthcare and hospital advertising is generally improving all the time. Savvy marketing and communications professionals are tuned-in to effectively reaching the increasingly aware and empowered healthcare consumer with high quality, creative messages. But…amid volumes of “good stuff” we find some classic clunkers. It’s painful to see precious resources wasted on full-color […]

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  A few of our readers may a recall a time before a computer and Internet access were standard equipment for marketing. Today, our daily work—indeed the communications fabric of society—is online and interconnected. Less than 20 years ago, almost half of US adults (42 percent) had never heard of the Internet, Pew Research says. […]

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card suits icons

In an ordinary game of five-card poker there are 2,598,960 possible hands with a 52-card deck. Winning is always a gamble; it's a mix of luck in what you’ve been dealt and how the cards are played. Healthcare marketing and advertising has many more moving parts than poker; it's a lot more complex, and usually […]

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LinkedIn social icon

We often make the point that LinkedIn has a business and professional flare that is a “natural” for showcasing the expertise of doctors and hospital executives. LinkedIn’s newly expanded publishing feature presents even greater opportunity for content creation and reputation management. LinkedIn began as an online executive resume/job board just over a decade ago. An […]

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red figure breaking red rope for race

“You nailed it,” one doctor wrote. “Healthcare is changing and CONVENIENCE is just one of the operative concepts for future consumers of healthcare.” In our recent post about what’s really behind the CVS tobacco announcement, we raised a flag about increasing competition as CVS/Caremark and other national retailers are clearly committed to reinventing themselves as […]

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Photo of Dr. McCoy from Start Trek

Just the other day, the esteemed Doctor Leonard McCoy * was telling me that medical tricorders—the TR-560 or other models—have been common Starfleet equipment as early as the 22nd century. “The anachronistic and crudely elementary stethoscope,” Dr. McCoy grumbled, “will rarely be found outside of a few private collections.” We’re reluctant to contradict a respected […]

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laptop with 3D line graph image

Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in the March/April issue of Spectrum, a newsletter of the Society for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development, and is presented here with permission. “Internet” proved to be the key word in Pomona Valley Health Centers’ marketing campaign to connect patients with its outpatient sites. By Chris Aldworth and Healthcare Success […]

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Holy Cross Hospital building

[Series Installment: How to Win More Patients for Your Most Profitable Service Lines; Step Seven – Develop Your Feet on the Street. A free White Paper from the Healthcare Success Educational Library.] FOTS? That’s our shorthand for outside representatives, liaisons or simply your “Feet on the Street.” It’s one of the most important and proactive […]

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[Series Article] Studies reveal hard science data behind why the sometimes fanciful, sometimes fictional art of storytelling is highly effective as a communications tool. In healthcare marketing, storytelling is growing in popularity from doctor-patient conversations to branding messages. Of all the stories in the world, there’s one—The Story of Storytelling—where “Once upon a time…” doesn’t […]

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green check with words reading "success"

Roughly 100 percent of all physician offices are busy places. But you only have to look at the monthly statement to know that activity isn’t the same as productivity…or profitability. Regardless of the size or type of the healthcare entity—from practitioner to medical group—a revealing characteristic of success is a reflection of leadership in the […]

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sign reading "Social Media"

The popularity of social media in its various forms—Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blog, etc.—is a fairly recent phenomenon. And for a large segment of society, it is social media that stitches together the blanket of connectivity that we can’t seem to do without. At last count, about 73 percent of online adults used social media sites […]

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Boys Win advertisement

If you missed the final score in St. Luke’s 2014 Baby Bowl…the boys won. And from a hospital promotional perspective, the other winner in this clever promotion was the New Beginnings Family Birth Centers at St. Luke's University Health Network. Here are two recent case examples (and ideas you can use) for leveraging media exposure […]

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white figure holding light bulb

All too often marketing professionals unintentionally alienate one of the largest (and most financially significant) target audiences, the over-50 crowd. Maybe they didn’t mean to, but the 30-something marketing person just doesn’t have a clue about the true mindset of the 50-, 60- or 70-something person they want to reach. We see this frequently when […]

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You heard the news...nearly couldn't miss it. Retail drug store giant CVS will phase out the sale of tobacco products before yearend. That's the headline, but it's the rest of the story that you may have missed, and it isn’t all good news for doctors, medical practices and healthcare marketers. It’s likely to hit you […]

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green figures

[Series Installment: How to Win More Patients for Your Most Profitable Service Lines; Step Four – Creating an Effective Plan. A free White Paper from the Healthcare Success Educational Library.] A constant undercurrent in the turbulent transformation of the nation’s healthcare delivery system is competition. A better term is “hyper competition.” In many market areas, […]

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Gold Star Trophy

Most healthcare advertising agencies will not admit it, but some clients are simply better than other clients. The people and personalities are part of the chemistry, but more than a retail transaction, two business entities share mutual success goals. It’s similar to a doctor-patient relationship. Privately, many doctors have patients who they favor over others. […]

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local google places

The Internet has injected contemporary culture with a sense of immediacy. We’ve been spoiled—or at least trained to expect—instant online answers. Search for “dentist” and Google coughs up over 37-million results in less than half a second. The online search for healthcare—be it a hospital, dental office, medical group, or specialty care—must, for most individuals, […]

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power of three

We’ve had the great good fortune and pleasure to team-up with many successful doctors, medical group practices, hospitals and others. To a person, their medical/clinical capabilities are first class, but their business acumen—in particular their marketing savvy—is a model for others. The fact is, successful doctors do things differently. They recognize that medicine is a […]

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Worst Mistakes Healthcare Org. Make When Trying to Attract Patients from the Internet

[Series Installment: The Worst Mistakes Medical Groups and Healthcare Organizations Make When Trying to Attract Patients from the Internet, Mistake Four: Believing Your Audience Will Find You on its Own; from the Healthcare Success Educational Library.] Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for a website is like the fuel for your car. A beautifully engineered and full-appointed […]

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patient care

What happens when a 15-year-old patient speaks up about her doctors? Morgan Gleason declared, “I am the patient, and I need to be heard,” and she voiced her complaints publicly. Even for a hospitalized teen, it wasn’t difficult to make a digital splash about how doctors should care for patients...and not just treat them. First, […]

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Wikipedia logo

The majority of patients and about half of all doctors search the Internet for healthcare and medical information. But—marketing professionals take note—the reference tool of choice of digitally demanding patients is the relative newcomer, “Dr. Wikipedia.” “Wikipedia is the single leading source of medical information for patients and healthcare professionals,” according to a report about […]

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3 doctors in the "Hear nothing, say nothing, see nothing" pose

Let's put an end to “grip-and-grin.” We’ll publish your outstanding publicity photo as an illustration of what makes a great PR image. We want to spotlight good examples that capture attention and tell a story, without resorting to…well, you know, the other kind.  There should be a PR Professional Regulation that bans “execution-at-dawn” publicity photos. […]

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internet marketing comparison thermometer

[Series Installment: The Worst Mistakes Healthcare Organizations Make When Trying to Attract Patients from the Internet, Mistake Nine: Failure to Use Social Media Properly; from the Healthcare Success Educational Library.] Once upon a time a simplistic website constituted a Web presence. It was little more than a digital Yellow Page listing and, if your competition […]

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stopwatch reading "wait times"

Emergency Room appointments—for non-threatening care—are a flipping great idea. Ask a few patients in the Emergency Department (ED). Nobody likes to wait. And hospital wait times are—for both patients and administrators—a literal and figurative pain in the butt. And if you’ve “been-there-and-done-that,” the national average time patients spend in the emergency room before being seen […]

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