Rollout a Winning Video Content Strategy with No Budget [Podcast]
Keith Whitworth
[SHSMD17 Speaker Podcast Series] Healthcare Success Marketing Strategist Peter Do talks with Keith Whitworth, Director of Marketing at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. This podcast will preview Keith’s presentation at the 2017 SHSMD marketing conference titled: Rollout a Winning Video Content Strategy with No Budget.
Everyone—patients, audience, search engines, and leadership—loves good video content. It’s an increasingly useful and important tool in healthcare marketing.
Our talk today reveals how a small marketing team produced hundreds of videos to cover population health, patient experience, physician features, social media and content marketing—with no budget. Keith provides helpful information for hospital and healthcare marketing professionals including:
- Using existing resources to highlight in-house experts
- The retention power of video vs text alone
- Understanding the impact of videos in an overall strategy
- Good, short video clips as effective and versatile tools
PETER DO: I’m pleased to welcome our guest, Keith Whitworth, Director of Marketing at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Welcome, Keith, and tell our listeners about yourself and your conference presentation topic: Rollout a Winning Video Content Strategy with No Budget.
KEITH WHITWORTH: Thank you. At the SHSMD conference, I’ll be co-presenting with a colleague, Marketing Strategist Donna Hill. She works closely with our videographer in producing our video content. Through my background, I have a passion for video and I know that healthcare marketing video is an important tactic. There is an increasing wide array of places that you can use video to reach your audience. During our presentation we’ll tell you some of the places and ways that you can use video
Some of our learning objectives are to provide an understanding of the impact that videos can have as part of an overall marketing strategy. And it’s more than one tactic because video can be used in so many ways and places. Also, we look forward to telling people how you can use existing resources to create content with low or no budget. Plus, we have some examples of best practices tools that you can use to increase the quality of video content.
PETER: With many different placement options, tell us what kinds of videos are effective, and some of the distribution channels that you use to get the content out.
KEITH: With video, a best practice approach is to have short content, generally a couple minutes. If, for example, you have 20 minutes of footage in a doctor interview, you can break this into several segments. Perhaps there is an overall bio portion, plus talking about health conditions and treatments. Another category is “medical myths” which are segments that we produce that do well.
So it’s important to come up with questions for a physician for versatility and that can answer various purposes about that specialty. Video can be used on a physician directory page, as well as via social media accounts, through eNewsletters with included video.
PETER: Tell our listeners about some of the viewer statistics and retention rates.
KEITH: One of the great things about video is that it performs well across many outlets and devices including desktop, laptop, mobile and TV. And the preference for short video clips has been on the rise. And the retention rate for visual information is quite a bit greater---65 percent versus 10 percent for text based information.
Online video will account for about 75 percent of all online traffic. YouTube averages more that five billion hits every day. Better than 90 percent of people who consume mobile videos share them with other people. So, text is still important, but when supplemented video, it does so much better.
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PETER: How do you gauge success with video? What do you look for in a successful video?
KEITH: Ultimately, the measure of success is in knowing that a video has lead to an increase in patient appointments or conversions for a particular clinic. Some of that can be done with automated systems or done manually. Also, other metrics can show “likes” and “shares” and impressions – that list goes on. But at the end of the day, it’s about a measure of response and results—which, like many marketing tactics, some things can be difficult to quantify.
PETER: Can you give us a few tips about how a small marketing department can create video content? How is that accomplished?
KEITH: It can seem overwhelming when you talk about the production. And maybe years ago it was even more overwhelming…before smartphones or using a photo camera for video. But today a lot of marketing departments have access to that type of equipment. So, without the need for additional funds, much of what’s needed is already at hand. Many times, you don’t need a studio facility. Digital equipment is so portable that you can take it to a physician’s office, or go to different places to record the material. And so, there are many options to having a studio.
PETER: Give our listeners some of your final takeaway ideas from your presentation.
KEITH: I’ll save some of these tips for the actual presentation. But one thing for listeners would be to get started—just jump in. Try producing video clips for your marketing content. There is little risk, little time required and little cost to get started. It certainly can appear to be overwhelming, but I would encourage you to take a stab at it and begin.
For listeners who will be attending the SHSMD 2017 conference, this presentation will be at 9:15AM on Monday, September 25th. Please join us there.