Concierge Practice Marketing: White Coat...Meet Blue Collar

By Stewart Gandolf, Chief Executive Officer
white coat, blue collar

Concierge marketing; not just an upscale thing

A few days ago, a news item in the Philadelphia Business Journal caught our eye; a primary care practice was switching to a concierge medicine model—in a blue-collar neighborhood.

Concierge practice marketing can be challenging anywhere because patients are typically required to pay an annual fee to enjoy a more personalized level of service.

It's the “blue collar” part that feels out of place. From a medical practice marketing perspective, the idea of a retainer-based practice seems at odds with blue-collar demographics. The concierge concept has been evolving under a variety of names—boutique, premier, platinum, membership—which imply an exclusivity and upscale market appeal.

Not always so. In  our conversations with primary care physicians and groups around the nation, we are noticing that the concierge idea is not exclusive to affluent areas.

And anyone planning concierge practice marketing should look beyond fees and retainers. It seems both doctors and patients can both be frustrated with traditional healthcare delivery systems that don’t include enough personalized attention, or preventive, quality care.

The goal of concierge medical marketing would be to help individuals find the standard of care they want—regardless of the color of their collar.

MORE ON THIS TOPIC: Concierge Medical Marketing: Attracting the Patients and Cases You Want

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