Photo of Lee Aase
Mayo Clinic Shares Secrets of Social Media Success

Mayo Clinic Shares Secrets of Social Media Success

By Stewart Gandolf, Chief Executive Officer

[SHSMD15 Podcast Series] Healthcare Success is pleased to present our continuing series of conversations with healthcare industry and marketing thought leaders who will be speaking at the 2015 Conference of the Society for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development of the American Hospital Association, #SHSMD15.

In today’s podcast, Healthcare Success CEO Stewart Gandolf talks with Lee Aase, Director of the Center for Social Media at Mayo Clinic regarding his SHSMD15 presentation: Leading Change from the “Other” C–Suite (That’s Communications).

Much has changed in communications since Lee Aase last spoke at SHSMD—perhaps a dozen years ago—and he observes that organizations have the capability to not just pitch stories to the media, but now, to BE the media. It’s a broad based opportunity for healthcare individuals and organizations to connect with stakeholders outside the organization and to empower and engage employees.

What’s more, as leaders contemplate strategic decisions, communications professionals play an important consultative role. In his upcoming presentation, Lee Aase will describe how Mayo is using an owned community platform in support of strategic initiatives throughout the organization.

Never before have there been so many available tools to reach out and connect with the audiences and various communities. Our podcast today touches on the evolution of these platforms and how Mayo Clinic has embraced new channels for broader and deeper communications with the digitally connected community.

Among the ideas and concepts that Stewart and Lee discuss are:

  • How healthcare issues and concerns are evident, among a wide audience, via social media
  • Why it’s imperative for healthcare professionals and organizations to be using social media
  • Social media is so pervasive that people will be talking about you, or they can be talking with you
  • Never before has it been so easy to do well by doing good
  • How marketing, media relations and social media inform patients, providing a broad awareness of the benefits of care through Mayo Clinic
  • Sharing sound, authoritative information with a wide audience helps build relationships.


The Mayo Clinic has a 150-year history of public outreach. Today the channels to connect with the public and stakeholders have exploded, and overcome historic barriers of time and space. Effective communications has always needed to play an important role in decision-making. Often, the process of communicating ideas with various publics is part of refining and improving the core concept.

Stewart Gandolf, MBA 

Attend this informative SHSMD15 session, Leading Change from the “Other” C–Suite (That’s Communications), at the 2015 Connections conference of the Society for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development of the American Hospital Association. Lee Aase’s talk will be Tuesday, October 13, at 2:15 PM.

 FOR MORE TALKS in our continuing series with thought leaders, connect with this page of recent interview/podcast posts from Healthcare Success.  

Healthcare Success is a full-service healthcare marketing company serving a national clientele of hospitals and outpatient clinics. Please connect with us at 2015 SHSMD Connections, October 11-14, Washington Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, DC. Healthcare Success is exhibiting at booth #122.

Listen to other podcasts from SHSMD 2015 session speakers:

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