Facebook: St Jude Children’s Hospital Touches the Heart (and Sets a New Record)
Human emotions are probably the strongest reason for someone to LIKE, SHARE or COMMENT on Facebook (or almost any social media for that matter.) Sure, there are many posts that inform or educate, others that reward, a few that tempt or tease the page visitor.
But the lesson for healthcare and hospital marketing folks is that sometimes LIKE isn’t a strong enough description. When a Facebook post hits you squarely in the heart, there ought to be higher-level buttons marked WOW, COOL, WONDERFUL, BEAUTIFUL or AWESOME.
In fact, when St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital posted this photo on Facebook, “AWESOME” was one of the most frequently used descriptions among the 2,600-plus comments. Take a moment to check it out for yourself [HERE] and tell them what you think. What’s not to LIKE?
As few days ago, our friend Nicola Ziady, Director of Marketing & Communications for St Jude Children’s Hospital let us know that the Facebook Timeline Photo resulted in a new post record with 115,000 Likes (now over 118,000), 2,500 comments (now 2,600+), and 10,600 Shares (ahh…we’ve lost count). When you do the math, that’s reaching more than 2.1 million people.
The Teen Formal photo was posted on Facebook on a Saturday morning in coordination with a news release that was distributed on Friday evening. It’s evidence that Facebook entries with an emotional appeal are instantly engaging.
You might say some are Awesome.
Related reading: Rules of Engagement: Motivations That Make Your Content Contagious