Marketing Minute: Make-it or Break-it at the Front Desk When Advertising

By Stewart Gandolf, Chief Executive Officer

Janet Bowden with Stewart Gandolf[Marketing Minute Video Series] Healthcare Success CEO Stewart Gandolf interviews Senior Account Manager Janet Bowden. Marketing Minute from Healthcare Success features tips for marketing your medical practice or hospital.

It’s a classic problem in a busy medical practice. Advertising gets the phone to ring. A new patient prospect is calling. And nobody told the front desk to expect inbound calls—or how to handle advertising-generated calls.

In fact, your front desk can “make-or-break” your ad campaign results. In this Healthcare Success Marketing Minute, Janet Bowden provides a real-world story about a client office where the receptionist was unaware and unprepared…and opportunity was lost.

Marketing Minuted Janet Bowden & Stewart Gandolf

Healthcare Success Marketing Minute with Stewart Gandolf & Janet Bowden [WATCH NOW]

It’s shocking, but this lack of preparation happens frequently. Proper training and good phone skills is critical to winning new patient appointments when advertising makes the phone ring. WATCH VIDEO MARKETING MINUTE

Questions about marketing?

Talk to Janet Bowden or one of our other Healthcare Success marketing professionals at 800-656-0907. Or reach out to Janet by email: [email protected]

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