Holiday Giving and the Gift of Success: Sharing a Healthcare Marketing Resource

By Stewart Gandolf, Chief Executive Officer

With the holiday season upon us, here’s an incredibly useful gift idea for doctors, hospitals and healthcare professionals. What’s more, the cost couldn’t be better.

Offer a subscription to the Healthcare Success Marketing Advisor to your friends, colleagues, physicians, administrators and staff. You'll be giving them the gift of success that is packed with valuable, practical, real-world insight, tips and techniques about medical marketing, advertising and public relations, but there is no cost.

It delivers informative and educational best practice advice about healthcare marketing success. Hospital marketing and communications professionals have provided subscriptions to all their physicians and key professionals. Surgicenter administrators have supported their referring surgeons with the gift of individual subscriptions to help their practices.

Doctors in medical group practices have signed up for themselves and their key staff members. And individual providers have shared this resource with referring practices, professional colleagues, medical school friends and many others.

Here’s a sample email that can be adapted to the specifics of your gift-giving situation:

Dear [colleague]:

I subscribe to a terrific electronic newsletter that helps us build our practice, and I think you would benefit from it too.

The Healthcare Success Marketing Advisor boasts 15,000 subscribers, and comes with a Special Report, The 7 Deadly Sins of Healthcare Marketing.

Regular newsletter topics include doctor referral building, social media and Internet marketing strategies, internal marketing strategies, branding, advertising, publicity and more. Best of all, it is free. Your privacy is assured and you can unsubscribe at any time.

It’s my hope that this practical marketing resource can help bring you success throughout the New Year.

If you would like to subscribe, simply click through here to: 

Best wishes, much success and Happy Holidays!


Send a note like this as a gift of success for fellow healthcare professionals. (As for your competitive colleagues…well, you can send them a classy holiday greeting card.)

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Marketing a healthcare organization can be challenging - even painful if you don't approach it with the right knowledge, tools, and guidance. By reading about mistakes and lessons others have learned the hard way, you can boost your marketing effectiveness and take a shortcut to success. Discover how to avoid these "Seven Deadly Sins". Plus, join over 30,000 of your fellow healthcare providers with a free subscription to our Insight Newsletter.

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