Healthcare Advertising Agency Advice: Use Google’s Principles of Innovation

By Stewart Gandolf, Chief Executive Officer

Chalk board lightbulb artThe annual Google Partner Summit is a pretty big deal in the agency business. Visiting the “Googleplex” headquarters in Mountain View is an experience. Plus, this is one of several continuing education sessions that Healthcare Success attends throughout the year. Moreover, attending a Summit session is an educational pathway for a healthcare advertising agency to improve service to our clients.

We also have this opportunity to share useful “take away” ideas. For example, Google is considered one of the most innovative companies on the planet. Why is that? Exactly what fuels the inventive Google corporate culture?

It turns out that you don’t have to be a multi-national corporation. Google revealed its nine Principles of Innovation. As a result, we’re pleased to share the list with our readers. What's more, each of the concepts of “being innovative” transfers to healthcare delivery.

Therefore, here’s how these concepts apply throughout their company. Consider this useful advice via our healthcare advertising agency.  With a little imagination, the Google Principles create an innovative business culture in healthcare.

Using Google’s Principles of Innovation…

Apply these principles to your hospital, group medical practice or daily operation:

  1. Innovation comes from anywhere. Innovation is not the purview of a specific department or elite cadre of individuals. Rather it is everyone’s responsibility. What’s more, innovation often originates from unlikely sources.
  2. Focus on the user. Improving user-experience brings customers back to Google’s website and products. This generates further interest and sales. In healthcare delivery, patient satisfaction is key to referrals and repeat business.
  3. Aim to be ten times better. Ten times is easier than 10 percent. An improvement—of a product or process—of 10 percent is an incremental change. But a ten-fold enhancement is revolutionary.
  4. Bet on technical insights. Open-sourcing fosters collaboration within the organization. It is especially open to an exchange of technical insights. Unique insights are valuable, especially when teamed with existing or emerging technology.
  5. Launch and iterate. Seek and use customer feedback about what’s not perfect in the item. Then enhance the product’s quality once more. The “voice of the customer” is a powerful means for improvement and user satisfaction.
  6. Give employees 20 percent time. All employees are allotted 20 percent of their work-time, about a-day-a-week, to develop and perfect side projects. This may be challenging in some organizations. But the byproduct of passionate and independent thinking benefits both the customer and the company.
  7. Default to open processes. Open-sourcing invites contributions from a far larger number of potential international innovators. Open the process to many users. The outcome draws from the contributions of many.
  8. Fail well. Failure is a byproduct of innovation. It is often is the source of process improvement. Ideas may not work out as planned. But they can lead to something else of value. Innovative and meaningful solutions often come from failed attempts.
  9. Have a mission that matters. Google’s products and services impact millions of people worldwide every day. That gives the firm’s innovation culture a sense of useful enterprise. This basic truth also applies to the healthcare delivery spectrum. Dedicated individuals are in healthcare to help others.

Tell us how you apply Google’s Principles of Innovation...

Google uses these core concepts daily. They foster organizational and individual innovation, creativity and productivity. Moreover, each principle is also useful in healthcare. Take a minute to comment below. Let us know how have you applied any of these principles in your organization.

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