16 Reasons Why a Doctor's Executive Portrait is a Must-Have

By Stewart Gandolf, Chief Executive Officer

Aligned right headshot of older female doctor against blurry blueish backgroundNot long ago, I received an iPhone snapshot of a doctor/client. No doubt someone in his office grabbed a quick picture—convenient but low quality. In the kindest of terms, the photo was crappy quality. This was definitely not the executive portrait of a distinguished, experienced and respected provider.

Professionals working in marketing, advertising and public relations appreciate the value and versatility of an executive photo for each of our clients. We want the men and women that we represent to look great, and a professional head-and-shoulders shot is a standard tool-of-the-trade.

A doctor's executive portrait means business...

They have various names, including business portrait, corporate image, branding headshot, and similar labels. And in the executive world — especially the professional reputation and business side of being a doctor—they are absolutely vital to doing business. It’s as fundamental and essential as a doctor’s stethoscope — plus it probably has more practical applications.

This may seem elementary, but consider this to be a sensible reminder why it’s a worthwhile business investment. In fact, it’s one of the best. A good end product requires an investment of time, but the cost is usually low to modest, and your picture delivers important paybacks many times over. And, because it’s useful in many situations and opportunities, use one photographer sitting or session, to create many photo options and a variety of expressions, attire and backgrounds.

Here are some of the many uses for, and reasons why, every doctor needs high quality, professional business portraits:

  • Establishes a professional image with colleagues and prospective patients
  • Makes a consistent and positive first impression
  • Immediately presents you at your professional best
  • Provides an additional element to online profiles, ABOUT US sketch
  • Conveys capable confidence, experience and trustworthiness
  • Enclose with public relations folders, community event materials
  • Extends internal awareness with colleagues and staff
  • Medical or clinical conferences or association meetings
  • Personalizes, reflects personality and extends rapport
  • Reinforces your reputation and your personal brand
  • Showcase an individual’s lifestyle and personality
  • Support for resumes and prospective employment
  • Use in print and broadcast media from flyers to collateral to television
  • Use online via social media, website, blog, advertising
  • Useful with news releases, announcements, reports to stakeholders
  • With author bio and speaker/speaking event announcements

People like doing business with people that they know and like. This is particularly true in healthcare. And a high quality, professional business portrait for doctors is a powerful marketing and communications tool.

An iPhone selfie doesn’t work…

The “quick-and-dirty” smartphone snapshot that had been supplied was not acceptable. I encouraged the client to work with a professional photographer. Real pros do this work constantly and they know how to create an image that brings out the best. They know lighting, backgrounds, clothing and colors, poses and even studio makeup.

Within a couple weeks we received some excellent images that were a positive reflection of this doctor’s extensive career, experience and reputation. These images were put to work immediately in the doctor’s new website and marketing campaign.

A professional photo is an absolute must-have for all healthcare professionals.

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