Are You Losing Business Because of a Bad ABOUT US Page?

By Kathy, Senior Marketing Strategist

ABOUT US website pageDoes the "About Us" page on your website clearly identify what your company, practice or hospital does? Does it explain why your readers need you, your products or services? No? Then you are losing business.

Getting your About Us page right is important because, if you check your stats, you’ll see it is one of the most visited pages on your website. The reason for this is simple: New visitors click the About Us page for immediate insight about your company,

Readers want to find a compelling reason to buy your product or service, so take advantage of the opportunity to tell them how you can solve their problem.

A good About Us page should strike a balance between telling visitors who you are and what you do, while also explaining why they need you (and not your competitors).

Build an About Us page that converts...

Many businesses, large and small, miss this golden opportunity to tell their story, persuade their audience, and in the process, gather leads. Here are a few tips to help you craft a compelling and effective About Us page.

It’s about them, not you.

Unfortunately, some websites turn this spotlight into a long and dry page that's filled with facts and figures. How many dull "mission statements" have you read on About Us pages? Even if you did take the time to read them, they didn’t resonate. The most compelling pages tell the reader how your products or services can help solve their problems using engaging storytelling.

Share your story.

Emotion is a powerful interest-driver for readers when selecting consumer products or services. By sharing why you do what you do, and why you’re passionate about it, you create an emotional connection and begin to build trust with your readers. Sharing your unique story is interesting, and it will set you apart from your competitors.

Customer testimonials.

Once you’ve made a connection with your readers, you can share up-to-date customer testimonials. Positive peer reviews point to you as the best choice. It may also trigger a ‘fear of missing out’ response, which is why the next point is so important.

Contact information and a lead form.

Ok, you’ve established a bit of trust, built an emotional connection, and enticed them with testimonials; now it’s time for the reader to contact you. Don’t make them click to another page. You run the risk of losing them. Instead, include a clear call-to-action alongside your contact information and a Contact Us web form.

Video welcome message.

Once you have an effective page that tells your readers who you are, what you do, and why they should choose you, consider making a video welcome message. A message from the CEO, general manager, or primary physician can help humanize your business which further strengthens the emotional connection.

Keep it short, sweet, and succinct.

Forget the industry jargon and keep this page conversational and personal. Your goal is to connect with your audience and persuade them to use your products or services. You are more likely to keep readers engaged if your page looks like an easy read. Use short sentences, short paragraphs, and bulleted lists to help break up the text and entice the reader to learn more.

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” This quote from the author Simon Sinek explains why sharing your story is so important. If people believe in you, they will also believe in your product or service. Take a look at your About Us page with these tips in mind and craft an engaging story about why you do what you do. And include a compelling call-to-action for your readers.


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